The Series

Life Under Fire
The Invasion
Drama, Thriller, Social, Romance, Political
Arabic ( Spoken Palestinian Dialect), Hebrew
Arab Telemedia Studios
Arab Telemedia pictures
Dramatic embodiment of the daily life and suffering of the Palestinian citizen.
The Invasion is a socio-political series which highlights the horrific events that accompanied Operation “Defensive Shield” in 2002 when the Israeli army invaded Palestinian cities, we will shift the news module people are used to and see reality in its humanitarian and daily details, away from direct political approach, and emphasize on the national cohesion among the Palestinian people without prejudice or discrimination.
Sound Tracks
Main Cast
Palestinian national security officer who rejects the policy of restraint demanded by his Authorities, as he never forgot what he faced during the siege of Beirut, He joins and leads the heroic resistance fighters in Jenin camp until he is martyred.Read More
A Jewish lady from Palestinian origin, a human right activist with a strong personality, and an opponent of the Zionist entity, she loves Mustafa and helps him as much as she can until he is captured and killed by her brother.Read More
A young man from Jenin, wanted by the Israelis, spends his time running away. He returns to Jenin to participate in the resistance against the invasion. Falls in love with a Jewish Lady, but later he is caught and killed by her brother.Read More
A daring Lady with a dignified personality who lived a tough life because of her brothers being chased by the Israeli occupation authorities, she finds herself in the Jenin refugee camp during its invasion treating the wounded, lastly, she marries one of the resistance fighters.Read More
An educated young man working as a teacher at a UNRWA school in Ramallah, led by the siege of Ramallah to hide in a nearby house after his house was bombed and there he meets Rula and falls in love with her despite the circumstances and death surrounding them.Read More
A Palestinian journalist working in Ramallah, was arrested and raped while she was a kid, which affected her psychology and turned her into a self-enclosed person. A group of people hide in their house during the siege of Ramallah. Among them she meets Khaled and fall in love with him.Read More
Adnan Al Awamleh
Executive Producer
Talal Adnan Al Awamleh
Production Management
Abdullah Saleh
Riyad Saif
Laith Rabaya
Walid Al Hasheem
Photography and Lighting
Izbegneif Rabtchensky
Shawqi Al Majeri
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