The Series

The Devil Has A Spectrum … The Sultan Has A Sword
Standard Arabic
Arab Telemedia Studios
Arab Telemedia pictures
Islamic history has never known a man as controversial and prominent as Al-Hajjaj Bin Yousef Al-Thaqafi, as he was surrounded by a storm of contradictive views and lived during a tumultuous era. Described as the Arab tyrant, the vigilant sword in the face of the enemies of the state, the man of impossible missions, the man of fate, the infinite conqueror, and the cunning statesman, Al-Hajjaj’s reputation teetered between his cruelty and intolerance towards enemies and mutineers, and his leniency, loyalty and obedience to the heads of the Umayyad Caliphate, which resulted in the controversy surrounding Al-Hajjaj’s historical image.
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Started as a teacher of Quran in Ta'if, then became the commander at Abdulmalek Bin Marwan police forces that attacked Mecca to fight Abdullah Bin Al-Zubair who established a second succession in Mecca and Medina, and thus broke the Umayyad Caliphate in Damascus.
The son of Al-Zubair Bin Al-Awwam and Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr, was known for being religious, good manners, and righteousness. deviated from the Umayyad Caliphate, establishing a second caliphate in Mecca and Madinah, most of Hijaz' and Arabian Peninsula's residents supported his succession over the Marwan family in Damascus.
The Umayyad Caliph that was known for his wisdom and cunningness, used Al-Hajjaj in repression and subjugation in Hijaz and Iraq, destroyed the Holy Kaaba with the catapults that were used by Al-Hajjaj to attack Abdullah Bin Al-Zubair, then rebuilt it. The Aqsa Mosque was built during his time.
The daughter of Abu Bakr Al-Seddiq, Prophet Mohammd's (pbuh) companion, sister of the Prophet's wife Aisha, and the mother of Abdullah Bin Al-Zubair the ruler of Mecca and Hijaz. She was at the end of her life at that time, she was against the fightings between the Muslims, and known as ``That Al-Nitaqain``.
Sukayna Bint Al-Hussain Bin Ali Bin Abi Taleb, was known for her beauty and knowledge in Science. Her litrature gathering was held in Madina, and was a destination for all scientists and poets. Abdulmalek Bin Marwan engaged her to himself.
An Arabian leader, was brought from Khorasan before being appointed by Abdullah Bin Al-Zubair as an alderman of Basra to repress the Khawarij after they nominated Al-Qatry Bin Al-Foja'a as their leader. Becomes worried when the people of Basra depended on him to defend it despite not having soldiers, but after a series of wars; he conquers the Khawarij army and it's leader.
Adnan Al Awamleh
Executive Producer
Talal Adnan Al Awamleh
Production Management
Riyad Al Ahmad
Jamal Abu Hamdan
Adnan Rabaya
Walid Al Hasheem
Photography and Lighting
Mohammad Habib
Mohammad Azizieh
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